Amiga Format CD 24
Amiga Format AFCD24 (Feb 1998, Issue 108).iso
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Assembly Source File
355 lines
; This 16c57 prog can emulate an 16c84 using PICSim. PICEmu
; is connected direct with the RS232 port. (using 10K for
; the AMIGA TXD line). PortA and PortB are used for emulating
; the 16c84. portC is used for the serial connection. The
; communication speed is 38400 Baud @ 11.0592 Mhz clock.
; © Dirk Duesterberg, 14.12.1997
; duesterb@unixserv.rz.fh-hannover.de
; http://linux.rz.fh-hannover.de/~duesterb
;commands = 0x5x
;18 pin PIC Emulator soft for 16c57
;command0 = set tris RA, 1->, 1->
;command1 = set tris RB, 1->, 1->
;command4 = write RA, 1->, 1<-, 1->
;command5 = write RB, 1->, 1<-, 1->
;command8 = read RA, 1->, 1<-
;command9 = read RB, 1->, 1<-
list p=16c57
#define c 03h,0 ;carry bit
#define dc 03h,1 ;digit carry bit
#define z 03h,2 ;zero bit
#define pd 03h,3 ;power down bit
#define to 03h,4 ;time out bit
#define pa0 03h,5 ;page select bit (for '56 and '57 only)
#define pa1 03h,6 ;page select bit (for '57 only)
pc = 02h ;program counter
RA = 05h ;port a
RB = 06h ;port b
RC = 07h
#define RXD RC,1
#define TXD RC,2
#define beta
ram = 08h ;begin of ram adress
CBLOCK ram ;constant block beginning
ENDC ;end of block
clockspeed = .11059200 ;clockspeed is 11.0592 Mhz
baudrate = .38400 ;19200 ;enter baudrate here
delay = (clockspeed/.4/baudrate-.12)/.4 ;value for baudrate, 12 cycles fixed, 4 cycles delay
start movlw 02h
tris RC
movlw 0
movwf RC
:loop decfsz count0 ;power up timer
goto :loop
decfsz count1
goto :loop
movlw 'R'
movwf serdata
call send_byte
movlw 'S'
movwf serdata
call send_byte
movlw 'T'
movwf serdata
call send_byte
loop movlw 0f0h
andwf serdata,w
xorlw 050h ;data = 50h ?
btfss z
goto loop ;no match
movf serdata,w
andlw 0fh ;clear upper nibble
addwf pc ;jumptable
goto command0 ;write RA tristate register
goto command1 ;write RB tristate register
goto command2 ;write RC tristate register (not used)
goto command3
goto command4 ;write RA latch
goto command5 ;write RB latch
goto command6 ;write RC latch (not used)
goto command7
goto command8 ;read RA pins
goto command9 ;read RB pins
goto commandA ;read RC pins
goto commandB
goto commandC
goto commandD
goto commandE
goto commandF ;version info
command0 call receive_byte
movf serdata,w
tris RA
goto loop
command1 call receive_byte
movf serdata,w
tris RB
goto loop
command2 goto start
command3 goto start
command4 movf RA,w
movwf serdata
call send_byte ;send read data back (ACKnowledge)
call receive_byte
movf serdata,w
movwf RA
goto loop
command5 movf RB,w
movwf serdata,w
call send_byte ;send read data back (ACKnowledge)
call receive_byte
movf serdata,w
movwf RB
goto loop
command7 goto start
command8 movf RA,w ;read port
movwf serdata
call send_byte ;send read data back (ACKnowledge)
goto start
command9 movf RB,w ;read port
movwf serdata
call send_byte ;send read data back (ACKnowledge)
goto loop
commandA movlw 0aah
movwf serdata
call send_byte
goto loop
commandE goto start
commandF clrf charcounter
:loop call string
andlw 0ffh
btfsc z
goto loop ;return to start if zero byte
movwf serdata ;move character to serial buffer
call send_byte
incf charcounter ;next character
goto :loop
string movf charcounter,w
addwf pc,f ;jump table with string followed by a zero byte.
ifdef beta
space 2 ;2 blank lines to listfile
messg "beta Version" ;message to listfile
space 2
retlw "PIC 16c84 EMU beta version, bla, bla, bla",0ah,0ah ;string, two linefeeds
space 2 ;2 blank lines to listfile
messg "test Version" ;message to listfile
space 2
retlw "PIC 16c84 EMU version 0.9",0ah,0ah ;string, two linefeeds
retlw 0dh,0 ;one cr, Zerobyte => stop sending
send_byte bsf TXD ;set TXD line, dirct connection
movlw 8h ;Eight bits in a byte.
movwf bitcntr
call bitdelay ;Start bit. ((delay * 4) + 4) cycles
xmit rrf serdata,f ;Rotate right moves data bits into
;carry, starting with bit 0.
btfsc c ;clear TXD if carry bit is set
bcf TXD
btfss c ;set TXD if carry bit is clear
bsf TXD
call bitdelay ;Data bit.
decfsz bitcntr,f ;Not eight bits yet? Send next data bit
goto xmit
bcf TXD ;clear TXD
rrf serdata,f ;last rotation
call bitdelay ;Stop bit. ((delay * 4) + 4) cycles
retlw 0
receive_byte btfss RXD
goto receive_byte ;wait until startbit
movlw 8h ;Eight bits in a byte.
movwf bitcntr
call halfbitdelay ;wait half bit
rcb call bitdelay ;wait one bit
btfsc RXD ;clear c if RXD is set
bcf c
btfss RXD ;set c if RXD is clear
bsf c
rrf serdata,f
decfsz bitcntr,f ;Not eight bits yet? Receive next data bit
goto rcb
call halfbitdelay ;wait one half bit to get out of data area
retlw 0
; To change the baud rate, substitute a new value for bitdelay at the beginning of
; this program.
bitdelay movlw delay ;this bitdelay delays ((delay * 4) + 4) cycles
movwf delaycntr
:loop nop
decfsz delaycntr,f
goto :loop ;this is an local loop
retlw 0
halfbitdelay movlw delay/2 +1 ;this bitdelay delays ((delay * 4) + 4)/2 cycles
movwf delaycntr
:loop nop
decfsz delaycntr,f
goto :loop ;this is an local loop
retlw 0
org 7ff
goto start